out & about

Adventure Challenge

January 8 - March 25

Totally free

From anywhere you are

Get out & start living

Our adventure challenge is all about sparking joy.

Through 50 unique challenges we will all get outside and connect with our local environments, each other and ourselves.

We conceptualized this idea while experiencing some serious pandemic fatigue and felt we needed to do what we could to shake up our daily routine and get back to doing things that made us smile and laugh.

The goal of this adventure is to complete as many challenges as possible while earning points along the way. Each challenge can be completed by you and your teammates wherever you are in the world, totally free of charge.

Think - Amazing Race, but for the average Joe.

We can't wait for you to join us on this adventure!

- Ariella & Adam


How it works

Choose it

Choose from our pre-curated list of 50 challenges

Do it

Have a blast completing each challenge on your own or with friends.

share it

Take pictures/videos as you go & share your journey with other participants

Earn it

Earn points for each completed challenge & compete for the hell of it

start challenge now

Click this link to make a copy of the challenge slide deck in Google Slides.

*You will need a google account to be able to open and edit this type of file. If this is not possible for you, let us know and we'll try to find an alternative.

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